PolyDict Data Connections
Connections help you and your business be successful. PolyDict allows you to create connections to your chosen data sources for use in conjunction with its host of other features such as the Essential CMS or Functions. There are three options currently available:
If you can connect to your data source using an OleDb connection string, you can use it with PolyDict. Again, this provides a vast scope; you can connect to Microsoft Access, Excel, FoxPro, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, or text files, to name just a few.
To get the most out of Microsoft SQL Server datasets, you can use the .NET SqlClient connection.
This allows you to enter uncompiled code to consume data obtainable via alternate data sources such as APIs, for example, functions exposed by cloud content providers, and COM objects such as accounting solution provider SDKs.
C.Net (currently in development)
This will give the same flexibility as the already popular VB.NET connection, but using the C language instead.
Connection Control
Once you have configured your required connections, you can control their use by enabling or disabling them as needed. For example, when creating a data connection to your accounting solution, it may be necessary to disable the connection at ad-hoc intervals to allow your users to perform select tasks such as backups and period-end routines. A PolyDict user can be given the appropriate permission to perform this task.